By: Anonymous

As winter fast approaches, the 2024 Cross Country season has come to a close. The boys team qualified for this state championship for the only the 2nd time in the past 20 years, with an impressive performance up the grueling Northfield Mountain in Western Massachusetts.
The team was led by Coach Brotchie, who has years of experience and has coached in all sorts of big races. The boys were lucky enough to also have a new assistant coach this year, coach Tim George. Coach George was key in providing a motivational role and served as a spark for the team. The aspect that makes Cross Country different from all other sports, is the perseverance one must have through all 3.1 miles of the race. Running through various different terrains requires a high amount of strategy with the coaches did a masterful job supplying.The boys were able to finish with a 4-2 record in a very competitive Middlesex league and often received a multitude of compliments from the other Middlesex coaches.
The team had a quartet of captains, led by Captain Jared Rife. Captain Jared set the Belmont home course record at Rock Meadow and lead the team in warmups all season long. Captain Eli Meretta was the heart and sole of the team, often providing energy and spirit on the colder and more difficult practice days. Captain Ian Hettenbach led by example, showing the younger runners on what is required to be competitive. Captain Mark Chumack consistently put up fast times race after race.
The boys were able to create a strong community throughout the year. Multiple runners hosted team dinners throughout the year, and almost everyone had a smile on their face at practice every day. To be able to mix winning with having a good time every day was the cause of success of the 24-25 Boys Cross Country Season.