By: Anita Liberty

On Thursday, November 9th, Belmont High School students gathered in the cafeteria for the annual homecoming dance. Upperclassmen only, this event is a rite of passage for BHS students and was only recently brought back after Covid. Despite early fears over ticket sales, class officers were able to completely finance the dance through the sale of over 300 tickets.
The major events of the evening were the crowning of both junior and senior homecoming queen and king. For the class of 2024, Kate McCubbin and Henry Barnes took the crown. The junior queen and king were Chloe Xu and Kaiyan Talavia. All monarchs were announced in a passionate speech by class officers Mark Guzelian and Brendan Barry.
Students immediately took the dance floor for classic school dance songs like “Party in the U.S.A” and “Super Bass.” At one point a dance circle formed and students showed off their special skills in the middle. Junior Max Knight even demonstrated his ability to do the worm!
One highlight of the night was the boys' varsity soccer team’s triumphant return to the school after their 2-1 win over Natick. This win launched the team into the D1 quarter finals. Mark Guzelian announced the win to the cheering crowd.
The night was a testament to the hard work of many students. Thank you to the class officers, student senate, and volunteers. Additionally, thank you to Neer Singh for his photography and work in documenting the dance. Underclassmen can look forward to the upcoming winter semi-formal as well as other school events on the horizon.
Image courtesy of Neer Singh.