By Maha Haider and Madeline Eason :
As student government elections happened recently, we thought that it would be fun for freshmen to get to know their class president better. As most people know, Bethany Eagar is now our freshman class president! We met with her and asked her a series of questions that we think that the freshman class might want answered.
Here's a little about Bethany! Her favorite class currently is her physics class, because she likes her teacher, Mr. Johnson, and her friends in the class. She plays piano, French horn, organ, and is a part of the BHS marching band, in which she plays the mellophone. When she was asked what prompted her to run for student council, Bethany said that she has always been drawn to leadership roles, and was a part of the middle school student council.
We asked Bethany what she hopes to achieve as president.
She said that she wants to “help advertise for freshman sports games,” “have more school spirit days where everyone participates,” and “have fundraisers to help raise money for school dances and the sports teams.”
Another thing that she wants to do is make sure that students feel comfortable at school, with the new variants of COVID still spreading. “Since there was no online option this year,” she said, “I know that some students are feeling really uncomfortable with being at school. Something I want to change is making the hallways a more accessible place for students to sit, since you can sit with other people but still be spread out.”
When Bethany is not doing homework or practicing for marching band, she is watching Gilmore Girls, listening to Taylor Swift, and spending time with her older sister Haley, who is a senior at BHS.
We had a lot of fun interviewing Bethany and we hope that the freshman class knows their class president a little better! Congratulations on the election, Bethany, and thank you for taking the time for this interview. We can’t wait to see what you do with our freshman class!