By: Sophia Doyle

As midterms are coming up, I know a lot of students in BHS are worried about grades and studying! Not to mention, the end of the semester is coming up. It’s safe to say that these are pretty stressful times, but there’s a lot to be excited about. For one, students taking midterms in the morning have the rest of the day free, which leaves time for studying for the next midterm and relaxing. And students taking midterms in the afternoon have time to sleep in and study beforehand, and still get let out early. Personally, I would rather take the morning midterm, because finishing at 9:30 is so relieving, as I can simply go home. Let us know your preference!
The worst part of this season is definitely the midterms coinciding with the end of the semester. Anxiety rates may be at an all-time high at the moment. There’s a lot of resources that can help students who are worried about the midterms and the end of the semester. Try setting up a meeting with your teachers to finish up anything that is due, or study with your friends to have a bit of fun while working hard.
Like I said, there’s a lot of exciting things coming up. January is coming to a close, meaning February break is up next. All we have to do is cruise through midterms, semester 1, and the rest of January. Good luck students!
Image courtesy of Belmont High School.