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Dr. Ask's Advice: Words of Wisdom

Highpoint staff


What are some tips you have for an incoming sophomore? And for my sister who is a freshman?

— Studious Student


Dear Studious Student,

As a former sophomore (and freshman), I think the best thing you can do is try your best without overdoing it. As cliché as that may sound, you do not want to get senioritis as an underclassman. You should do your best to maintain balance in your life by finding the time to find things you are passionate about. Another tip is to try to get involved in the Belmont community, whether you do so by joining a club or by doing a school sport. Also, utilize your resources at Belmont High. Believe it or not, getting to know your teachers, your guidance counselor, and even the school layout can make BHS seem more welcoming and comfortable. Specifically for a freshman, my advice is that freshman year and the transition to high school can be extremely difficult – you are not alone in anything you may be feeling. Making friends can make your whole experience so much better! Good luck!

— Dr. Ask

(Disclaimer: This advice was given from a Belmont High School student and does not represent the advice given by Belmont High School. If you have any further questions, email


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