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Highpoint staff
Nov 16, 2021
The Avocado Store
By Helena De Figueiredo Valente : And now, a word from our sponsors: Because kids these days like it™ Classic Avocado Toast $10...

Highpoint staff
Nov 9, 2021
Interview With the Freshman Class President
By Maha Haider and Madeline Eason : As student government elections happened recently, we thought that it would be fun for freshmen to...

Highpoint staff
Nov 2, 2021
The Plight of the Freshman Boy
By Helena De Figueiredo Valente : If you are a freshman boy, and you have had trouble following school rules recently, know that we...

Highpoint staff
Nov 2, 2021
This Halloween: Put Yourself In Someone Else's Shoes
By Sophia Liu and Anya Chen (BHS UNICEF Club Media Team) : Did you know? Americans are expected to spend almost 10 billion dollars...

Highpoint staff
Oct 26, 2021
Review: Broadway Night 2021
By Subi Upadhyay : This past weekend, the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company put on their annual Broadway Night show, showcasing...

Highpoint staff
Sep 30, 2021
B-Dandelions Tutoring Organization
By Rachel Li : Background Information: The Dandelion School is the first and only charitable, non-profit middle school located in Beijing...

Highpoint staff
Jun 11, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Friends, Part 2
Question: What are some tips to make more friends? — Friendly Freshman Answer: Hi Friendly Freshman! Great question! Honestly, the...

Highpoint staff
Jun 11, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Words of Wisdom
Question: What are some tips you have for an incoming sophomore? And for my sister who is a freshman? — Studious Student Answer: Dear...

Highpoint staff
Jun 11, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Early-Onset Senioritis
Question: Is it bad that I am already getting senioritis as a sophomore? — John Doe Answer: Hi there John Doe, For me, senioritis started...

Highpoint staff
Jun 11, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Prom Problems
Question: What should I do if my prom date drops me for another date and now I am dateless? — Disappointed Damsel in Distress Answer:...

Highpoint staff
Jun 9, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Friends
Question: Were Rachel and Ross on a break or broken up? — Livid Lobster Answer: Dear Livid Lobster, I personally believe that Rachel and...

Highpoint staff
Jun 9, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Diabolical Dog
Question: Dr. Ask! Dr. Ask! What do I do if I am pretty sure my dog is planning on killing me in my sleep so he can steal the treats? —...

Highpoint staff
May 4, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Song Recommendations
Question: What are some underrated songs of the 70s, 80s, 90s era? — Lonely Listener Answer: Dear Lonely Listener, What an interesting...

Highpoint staff
May 3, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Nap Time
Question: Like many students, I find myself in constant need of a nap. However, with all the time I spend complaining about my homework,...

Highpoint staff
May 3, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Anger Management
Question: What to do when I’m angry? — Tempestuous Tulip Answer: Dear Tempestuous Tulip, I know this column makes me seem all high and...

Highpoint staff
Apr 13, 2021
Belmont Crossword Puzzle
Try to solve this Belmont-themed crossword puzzle, created by Katarina Chen! Clues: Across: 1. Word seen on red signs across Belmont? 5....

Highpoint staff
Apr 10, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: School Struggles
Question: How to school? — Fatigued Freshman Answer: Dear Fatigued Freshman, As a very knowledgeable upperclassman, I can say with full...

Highpoint staff
Apr 10, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: New School Building
Question: Is it known when we'll be moving to the new high school? Any predictions besides “soon”? — Anonymous Asker Answer: Dear...

Highpoint staff
Apr 10, 2021
Dr. Ask's Advice: Travel Tips
Question: What are the best ways to travel? — Mr. Apples Answer: Dear Mr. Apples, I am no travel connoisseur, but I have seen my fair...

Highpoint staff
Apr 5, 2021
Students' Opinions on the Controversial Belmont Override
By Joel Iglesias : Since mid-February 2021, a lot of the discourse related to our local government and school system has been about...

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